Friday, October 21, 2016

Midpoint Reflection - Stumfort

The class is halfway done and I feel that Stumfort has made solid progress. We are not where we need to be yet, but we can get there. Our company did not start off too fast due to us switching ideas earlier in the class. However, we have made solid progress. We came up with a logo for our company the other day, as well as a Twitter account. We still have a few things we need to get done as soon as possible. Once we create our prototype, my team and I need to find a student that would be willing to test our product in school. Their feedback and how well it goes can help us grasp what we need to work on or what is already good about the product. The goal for next week is that we make our prototype and find someone to test it. This weekend I will get the snaps from the store that we need to make our product. I will also try to make a website for Stumfort sometime next week.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Remember to save your receipts and submit a payment request form!