Wednesday, December 7, 2016

HydrationRight 2016 Reflection

Hello All! As 2016 comes to a close, we were tasked to reflect on the semester and the progress we have made with our businesses. Roughly 13 weeks ago HydrationRight was just an idea I had written on a yellow post-it. After lots of time and research, I've created a logo, a business plan, published a Facebook page, and worked on a website. The business plan was very informative for me because I was able to see the holes in the company and do more research to fix them. Although I still have things to work on before our final pitch, I am happy with where HydrationRight currently is. In the coming weeks, I would like to advertise my business on Facebook, but before hand, I need to publish my website and begin drafting a couple blog posts. I'm very impressed by the development of the company over the last couple weeks and am excited for the pitch in January! 

Mama's Meals - End of 2016 Post!!

Mama's Meals has made a lot of progress since our last post! Whether the outcome of the steps we took were good or bad, we have received helpful feedback and we are trying our best to think around the obstacles we have been faced with. We sent out our prototype 300 miles away on November 15, 2016. The meal we sent as our prototype was chicken and rice with a side of broccoli. Before we sent the box out, the challenge we were faced with was how we were going to keep the food cold. We foiled and placed the chicken and broccoli in an insulated bad which we then placed next to icepacks inside the box. We found out the next day that our chicken and broccoli were not cold when they arrived in North Carolina. Despite our disappointment, we are lucky that this is a challenge we are faced with in the early stages of our company's development. We have a  Plan B in terms of keeping our food cold for when we send our next prototype so let's keep our fingers crossed that our change in packaging and icepacks will work! Another step we have taken is completing our business plan; which answers the who, what, and why of our company. Completing the Business Plan made us find the answers to some questions that we were unsure of. With the critical feedback we received on the Business Plan we were able to perfect it and Mama's Meals is now ready to tackle the next step to our final pitch. Lauren, Elli, and I are now in the midst of working on our power point slides which we will present on the final pitch day. We are also creating a website to go along with the power point which will hopefully give a better visual as to how Mama's Meals works. Once we complete our website, we will be sure to share the link with our blog readers first and would appreciate any feedback!

Surfit, an all new apparel Company

Introducing Surfit, Surfit an all new apparel company. We are a surfing and apparel company that is designated on designing clothes that deliver beach lifestyle to people across the country. 24.8% of Americans visit the beach every year thus having a very large market to sell to. As of now our design is in progress but we do have a general idea. The basis of the design will be a surfboard. The design within the surfboard will vary depending on the location you buy the shirt at. The designs could be exclusive to each beach, allowing the people who buy them so show support for the beach the attended. Surfit will also give people a sence of pride in the beach that they go to and be able to rep it.
We are currently working on our final business slide and try our best to catch up with all the other business plans in our class that are relatively more complete than ours. We will work on the design and produce a few shirts that we will initially sell in our school store, and from there we will expand.

 Real fas

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

End of the year update

Hello readers,

I am getting closer and closer to completing my business. ParkMePlease is the only valet service for Dulles airport so competition shouldn't be a problem. I am panning to build an off site parking lot with tons of space for cars/trucks. I am also thinking about expanding into other airports and becoming an international business. For loyal customers, discounts will be available and parking will progressively get cheaper and cheaper. I am thinking about adding a limo for those customers who would rather park themselves at my parking spot and riding in luxury to their final destination.

Stay tuned for my final updates coming soon.

Stumfort Apparel- Approaching The First Finish Line

The future of Stumfort Apparel looks bright as January 5th (the date of our official pitch) approaches. We have just completed a comprehensive business plan that outlines the vision of our company- a vision that encompasses both style and comfort into one single piece of clothing. We are currently creating more prototypes for our first good, the Stumfort Top Package, which will be the combination of a button-down shirt, a tie and a sweater attachment; we aim to create three separate prototype pieces of Stumfort Apparel wear before January 5th so that we can show our potential investors what a Stumfort product really looks like. The main hurdles that we are facing right now when making our product are our barely-proficient sewing abilities and facilitating the ease in which the tie attachment can be put onto the rest of the Stumfort Top Package (in other words, the wearer currently cannot put on the tie attachment in a time-efficient manner). We hope to fix these issues before the pitch date in order to demonstrate how our product works in front of our investors.
The money gained from these investors can hopefully be put to good use by creating magnet attachments for the tie so that the tie can easily be put on.

We are very hard at work, as seen below:

While these challenges may appear as and when we make progress, all members of the Stumfort Apparel team remain resolute and eager to maintain this same rate of achievement in the coming months. 

Ez-Box gets ready for the final pitch

As January 5th approaches, Ez-Box continues to make progress in the development of our application and business. The Ez-Box prototype application is now completed with all base features working flawlessly thanks to team member Harrison Stuart. Meanwhile, Brandon Lessard and Adam Hillman have created a comprehensible business plan for investors to look over. Working towards the final pitch, the team is shifting its focus towards the presentation and feels confident about Ez-Box's chances in the competitive market.