Friday, October 21, 2016

Go-Kart Continues to be Developed

Our app, Go-Kart, has come a long way over the first quarter of the school year. Recently, we have worked on our Minimum Value Proposition. For me personally, this was a totally new experience, I had never thought of the value of having a minimum value proposition. Previously, I believed that a business should shoot for the stars from the start, and not hold anything back. After working on our own Minimum Value Proposition, I recognize the value of it. It is important because it minimizes risk, and more importantly cost, when first getting our business out there. Our Minimum Value Proposition would be a design of our app through photos what would detail the way it would work, and design a website. Currently, we have a very basic website that is basically a place holder for the future. Here is a link to our website: The app photos would allow us to help people make sense of how the app would work, so they can potentially give us money so we can hire someone to develop the app. 

Over this quarter, I feel personally I have learned a lot. I now recognize the importance of planning extensively when working on a business. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm glad you've learned about the value of the MVP and about the necessity behind the process and planning parts of starting a business. Are you comfortable with the level of contribution you've made to the team? What are some individual goals of yours for the next quarter?