Friday, January 5, 2018

Revised Pitch Deck and MVP

New Pitch Deck:

What's Different and what did I learn?...

One of Mr. Harry Alford's major critiques in response to my presentation was that my slides did not correspond with my oral speech. He pointed out that I needed to make my slides more relevant to my company and the slide argument type, rather than solely focusing on what I am trying to explain. An example is me creating a slide about my company with an "about me" image rather than finding an image of something that is relevant to my company, better yet of my company that helps describe my company.

To fix my mistakes, I simply put more slides that have relevant company and industry images or data to help explain my point.

The advice Mr. Alford gave me will help me in my future presentations that involve slides.

Subsequent to the knowledge I gained from my pitch, I was able to create more MVP's (better the website) and develop my previous MVP which was my social media.

The link to my social media and website is below:




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