This week brought many realities into play. I personally was able to realize the challenges and speed bumps on the road to making a start-up function.
Distributing the workload is a big focus for my team to be ready to give our pitch on October 9th. I
went through a possible business base case as I was thinking of questions to ask in a survey to the school students. I have been looking at possible products for our business to offer, buying them from Costco and the location where to sell in school.
As I thought on the survey and the business, I made some assumptions about pricing, quantity of purchases by students per week, along with possible periods of the day to be "open". sales based on consumptions. I also thought that if the business takes off, or we individually have less time on free periods, we could hire a few other sales people paying a 10% commission on the sale $ they sell or service.
So we need to now send out the survey through Survey Monkey, get feedback to establish our base case to put into the Business Presentation. We need to distribute tasks to the 3 team members to do for the case. We need to do a practice run the day before.
I am worried about really having enough time to do all of this and maybe we should request a date change.