Friday, November 13, 2015

Personal Reflection

Unfortunately, for FHStress, our Go Live date had to  be postponed due to the fact that our town meeting this week did not include a student announcement section. We would like to let the school know that we are selling before we actually begin, but it seems that wont be possible. We plan to start selling today, even without everyone knowing about us. As of right now we have sold 12 stress balls without formally setting up shop. We plan to sell 12 more today. After getting a little bit of feedback from some of the community, we have moved our prices down to 2 dollars. The majority of those on campus either don't have change or don't want to pay the extra $.50 (like it makes a difference). Either way our soft launch has gone very well. (matter of fact once we sell our 12 more today we will be out of stock)

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