Sunday, January 25, 2015

It Begins

This semester, we are offering a Small Business Startup elective for the first time.  Students in this class (sophomores, juniors, and seniors) will form four business teams and attempt to create, run, pivot, and grow their businesses.  Flint Hill will provide a small pile of startup money to each team, and any profits the businesses earn will come back to the school.  The course will introduce students to essential business concepts and key life skills, and offer an authentic experience.

This class will operate with the pressures, uncertainties, and challenges of a real startup. Students as entrepreneurs are expected to challenge, question, and push back; they are in charge of their experiences and outcomes. This class is an incubator or lab, where books and lectures are tools but not absolutes or blueprints. Students will need to rely on creativity and enthusiasm to interpret the content and turn it into an actionable plan and micro business. The key content is listed below:

Stay tuned for updates on our journey.  As the students form teams and begin their businesses, they will document their process and progress on this blog.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Can't wait to hear how it goes!